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   where it began...


For the woman...

Ready to step into a 
transformative journey home to herself.


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 This is your safe place to land, to grow and to reclaim your power.

There is something truly magical about a woman who is ready to put herself first…

When she glows with this power, she becomes a magnet for everything she truly needs.

It’s not just about attracting the “good” things into your life.

She manifests her deepest desires and encounters opportunities, people and standards that align with her vision…

For her family - For her lifestyle - For herself.

Honestly—it takes conscious work and tapping into deeper layers of SELF to access this.

But the best part is? The rewards are immeasurable, and you don’t have to do it all alone.


 i'm megsy

Women’s Empowerment + Life Coach, Manifesting Generator and Multifaceted Human.


The most dramatic transformation that I’ve had occurred since becoming a solo mama when my daughter was 3.5 years old, and now, I find myself in the most loving partnership, living a life that I LOVE  and feeling more in my power than ever.  

Here’s the thing: none of this is a coincidence. 

That’s because my journey hasn’t been easy, but what it did was teach me the power of leaning into self-love, strengthening my emotional intelligence and uncovering the blind spots that kept me feeling stagnant.

I knew that guiding women towards their full power, purpose and selves was my purpose. My path has led me to be a supportive guide and access their full power — allowing them to radiate with power and authentic confidence.

Okay babe,

let’s go deeper


You're ready to take the next step and do the deep inner work, right?

I'm here to help you uncover the shadows and the blindspots to clear out those limiting beliefs, and become the master of your own damn life.

No more holding back, no more playing small. 

Because I wholeheartedly believe that every woman possesses an intense and fiery desire within them, ready to be set free.

Let's Go!

How I got here...


I’ve been there before and believe me when I tell you, I get it.

From feeling lost, alone, to completely unsure of my path. 

But I've learned how to turn things around and step into my power, and now I'm passionate about helping you do the same.

As your empowerment coach, I'm here to bring my experiences and insights to the table and help you find the lessons and growth in every challenge. 

Whether we're working together one-on-one or you're stepping into the UNFOLD experience with me, I'll be your biggest cheerleader and guide as you ignite your inner fire and create a life that excites you.

Explore My Offerings

Fun Facts

 about megsy
  1. I was born in NSW, grew up in WA, and now live in QLD
  2. My daughter Sunny is a beautiful, hypno-water birth baby! 
  3. I have renovated 3 properties (2 on my own!) 
  4. The heat, beach & Japanese cuisine over the cold, gloomy & pasta 
  5. I used to be a sales manager & trainer, teaching + supporting teams with psychology and human connection