School Holiday Survival Guide


Reduce stress and overwhelm for the whole family and bring some JOY & CONNECTION to the school holidays!

What You'll Experience:

  • Reduce stress & overwhelm during the holidays
  • Everyone gets to learn some new mindfulness + calming techniques
  • Create some new healthy habits
  • Have a backup list of activities & ideas when boredom strikes
  • Create more connection in your relationship with your children
  • Regulate your nervous systems rather than wishing the precious time away
  • For parents still working, or staying at home - everyone can benefit

Guide can be followed in order, or the 14+ different activities just used as needed!

**Also suitable for non-school aged children,


I share my tips, tricks & practices to manage all the things with some fun activities, recipes & games!

$19.00 AUD



  • The customer (Client) understands that they are entering an 2 week course where Megsy Ann (The Coach) is not their 1:1 mentor and where group support is provided, not bespoke 1:1 advice, mentorship or coaching.
  • How you choose to consume the content does not influence the price you pay for this membership.
  • Communications about payment and accounts are handled via email only to [email protected] rather than through Facebook or other social media platforms.
  • Please note that at any point during the journey you are feeling dissatisfied, please initiate communication with Megsy Ann to work through and hold true to your commitment. We ask for both your honesty and your devotion to the container.





  • The cost of SHSG is just $19 with the options of payment via a one off payment in full.
  • Payment is taken via Stripe when the Client chooses the credit or debit card option.
  • We must receive your payments in full before content is delivered. 
  • The customer understands that sessions and content will not be accessible if payment is declined, unless direct proof of payment can be readily presented. 
  • If payments are declined due to insufficient funds, or at the fault of the client we have the right to deactivate your membership temporarily until payment is made. This creates extra administration and time costs for our team, so please be in integrity and responsible with ensuring payments are made on time.
  • If payments are repeatedly being declined and Megsy Ann’s team is having to follow up more than twice, Megsy Ann reserves the right to cancel your membership. No refund will be supplied, as the content would have already been consumed.




  • You can cancel anytime.
  • No refunds or transfers are provided.
  • Megsy Ann reserves the right to cancel your access to the course if at any point she feels it is not advantageous, ethical or safe for the coaching program to continue.





  • The Client understands that the role of Megsy Ann, is not to prescribe micro and macronutrient levels; provide health care, medical or nutrition therapy services; or to diagnose, treat or cure diseases or mental illnesses, acute conditions or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. 
  • Megsy Ann is a mentor and supportive guide. It is the role of Megsy Ann, in partnership with the client, to devise and implement positive, sustainable and empowering mindset and lifestyle changes. 
  • The Client understands that the Coach is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician, nutritionist, clinical psychologist or other licensed or registered professional, and that any advice given by the Coach is not to override or take the place of advice from these professionals. 
  • The Client also understands that while the Coach may refer her to other professionals, she is not liable for the care or recommendations provided by external practitioners. If the Client is under the care of a healthcare professional or currently uses prescription medications, the Client will disclose this with the Coach and agree to discuss any dietary changes, supplements use or medications with his or her doctor, and should not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting their doctor. 
  • The Client agrees to disclose any serious mental or physical health condition prior to working with the Coach and has chosen to work with the Coach having understood that the information received should not be seen as medical or nursing advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing other licensed health professionals.
  • When undertaking breathwork, healing and other practices, the Client acknowledges that they do so at their own risk and full responsibility. 





  • The Client acknowledges that they have full responsibility for their results, their own life and wellbeing, as well as the lives and wellbeing of their family or dependants (where applicable), and all decisions made during and after this course. 
  • The Client expressly assumes the risks of the course, including the risks of trying new tools, meditations, techniques, foods or supplements, and the risks inherent in making lifestyle and mindset changes. 
  • The Client releases the Coach from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, which the Client ever had, now has or will have in the future against the Coach, arising from the Client’s past or future participation in, or otherwise with respect to, the course, unless arising from the gross negligence of the Coach.






  • The Client acknowledges that their face may be shown in video recordings of workshops and that videos will be kept inside of the membership for future use and distribution, at Megsy Ann’s discretion.
  • In order to honor and protect The Coach, Megsy Ann and all intellectual property, confidentiality of information, the Client agrees not to disclose or communicate information or share materials, methods or resources with any third parties. The Client also agrees not to give content shared by The Coach or any other original content with other parties.
  • The Coach acknowledges that she may obtain confidential personal information from the Client and agrees to keep and maintain such information private and not to disclose or use such information without the Client’s prior consent.
  • The Client also agrees not to use or copy any of Megsy Ann’s work in any professional capacity of their own.




  • This agreement may be subject to change providing The Coach gives the client 1 week’s written notice in advance. 






  • Provide services to facilitate mindset awareness and self-development.
  • Hold all information disclosed in coaching sessions in confidence.



  • Arrive at each session on time
  • Take full responsibility for their choices and decisions
  • Have funds available in their account for payment processing at least (2) days before the scheduled payment charge date.
  • Ensure any changes (contact information, payment information, etc) are advised ahead of time.



By enrolling in the program and thus accepting the terms and conditions, the Client acknowledges that they: 

  1. Have received a copy of this agreement; 
  2. Have had an opportunity to discuss the contents with the Coach and, if desired, to have it reviewed by a lawyer; and
  3. Understand, accept and agree to abide by the terms hereof.

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